Projects 2019
We have renewed the following in 2019:

Renovations fences and visitor benches:
Due to massive amounts of snow in the Winter 2018/2019 a lot of fences, benches and enclosures were damaged. We needed to concentrate on that first, before starting any further projects. The entire fence around the Wildlifepark had to be fixed and partly replaced. Also some of the visitor benches were totally destroyed, we had to replace them with new ones.
Costs: approx. € 18.000

Establishment of a new hay barn:
We need approx. 35 tons of hay per year for our animals. Therefore we needed more space to store the hay inside the park, so a new hay barn was built.
Costs: approx. € 20.000

New residents:
Wild cats, snow-owls, barn owls, kestrels & little owls...
In Summer 2019 our Wildlifepark got new residents: wild cats, snow-owls, barn-owls, kestrels & little owls. 3 enclosures were newly refurbished for our new residents.
Costs: approx. € 30.000

Expansion of our Ibex enclosure:
Our Ibex family is growing and growing. Lots of little Ibex babies were born in 2018 and 2019.
We have extended their enclosure this year.

Renovations kids playground at our entrance area:
Due to the amount of snow in Winter 2018/2019 there was a lot of damage done on our playground. Some equipment had to be totally replaced.
Costs: approx. € 10.000