Future Projects
The following projects we will try to fulfill with your help as soon as possible:

Renovations Peacock & Turkey Enclosure:
The peacock and turkey enclosure will be enlargended and maintaned to make more space for additional birds like the cestrel and little owls that live in smaller enclosures thoughout the park at the moment. After the renovation works they will all move in together at the new larger enclosure.
Estimated costs: approx. € 80.000

Marmot enclosure:
The plan is to built a brand new marmot enclosure right in fron of our yak enclosure. More informations will follow soon...
Estimated costs: approx. € 40.000

Enlargement 'Streichlstadl'
Our 'Streichlstadl' is very popular, especially amoungst our young visitors. We are planing to enlargen the outside area from our 'Streichlstadl' for our Sheep, Llamas, Alpacas, Ponys, Donkeys & Goats. Especially the mother animals find a good shelter in our 'Streichlstadl' just before and after giving birth.
There will also be a new small house for our rabbits & ginnuea pigs.
The project is currently being planned and developed.
Estimated costs: approx. € 60.000

Enlargement of our kids playground:
Our playgroud at the entrance area will be extended with more equipment and there will be a water station to guatantee lots of fun for our youn visitors.
Estimated costs: approx. € 70.000