+43 (0)5356 65251

Important Information and common questions

Important Information:

Wildpark Aurach Game Park delights with its unique location and panoramic views of the Kitzbühel Alps, together with its 350 animal inhabitants: visit red deer, fallow deer and mouflon in Tyrol's largest outdoor wildlife park, as well as Alpine ibex, Eurasian lynx, wild cats, yaks, snowy owls, Eurasian eagle owls, alpacas and a host of other animals.

* our Wildlifepark is the largest outdoor enclosure in Tyrol, home for more than 350 animals
* unique location at the attitude of 1.000 m in Aurach next to Kitzbühel
* panoramic views to the Kitzbühel Alps
* walkway through the park takes approx. 1 hour
* highlight for the children is our playground next to our Restaurant 'Branderhofstube'
* free parking
* dogs are allowed on a short leash!

Common questions:

What should you watch out for when visiting our Aurach Wildlifepark?
For your own safety and the safety of our animals, we kindly as you to follow our visitor regulations. You will find them on our homepage or at the entrance area of our Wildlifepark. Thank you for your understanding!

How long does the walkway through the Wildlifepark take?
Allow yourself about 1 hour to walk through our Wildlifepark, with children a little bit more. The walkway is steep at some places.

Can you get through the Wildlifepark with a wheelchair or pram?
With a wheelchair we only suggest our walkway until the big feeding area. From there on it is quiet steep. You can go all the way with a pram, just please make sure you have big enough wheels. (not recommended with little plastic wheels) Steep at some places!

Are dogs allowed?
Yes dogs are allowed in our Wildlifepark at your own risk! Please keep your dog on a short leash because we have a lot of animals that are roaming free inside our Wildlifepark.

Can we feed the animals inside the park?
Feeding the animals inside the park is strictly forbidden! The food jealousy of the animals could leed to injuries of our visitors or themselfes. At 2:30pm every day we have our 'set feeding' at the feeding area and you are welcome to watch. It is great to see all our animals coming together for it.

Are we allowed to eat food or have a picknick inside the Wildlifepark?
No, eating food or having a picknick is NOT allowed in our Wildlifepark for your own safety! We have a Restaurant 'Branderhofstube' at the entrace area, or snaks at our ticket office wehere you will find everything you need.

Where can I park my car?
There are 2 parking lots for our visitors at the Wildlifepark. P2 is about 700m away and P1 is directly underneath our park. Please do not drive all the way up to our Restaurant, this parking is for people with wheelcharis only! Parking is free

Can I pay with eftpos of credit card?
Yes, we accept all bank card and credit cards at our ticket area & our restaurant (apart from AMEX & Diners)

Do we have to reserve beforehand if we travel as a group?
Yes please register your group before arrival to make everything faster for you and easier to handle for us!
Your bus can park at our Wildlifepark, our staff at the ticket office will show you where.

How can I support the Wildlifepark Aurach?
We are a private family owned company and don't reveice much support from the government. Therefore we are really happy about every additional support we can get. More Infos in our flyer:

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