Young animals at the Wildlife Park
At different times of the year – but especially in spring – you can always spot adorable young animals at Wildpark Aurach. Whether it's the Alpine ibex, the Ouessant sheep, or the Bennett kangaroos, the little ones are simply delightful!
Important information about the deer calves

Between May and June, female deer give birth to their young. In the beginning, deer calves are rarely seen, and there’s a good reason for that: In the wild, they would still be too weak to escape from predators. That’s why the mother deer leaves her calf in a safe spot (usually in a hollow), where it remains motionless. The young calf stays there until the mother returns to retrieve it. Its patterned coat provides perfect camouflage, making it nearly invisible. Additionally, deer calves have no natural scent, which offers further protection from predators.
This is completely normal behavior, so there’s no need to worry that something is wrong with the calf. It may seem unusual to us humans, but it’s simply nature’s way.
Please never touch an abandoned deer calf!
If a human leaves their scent on the calf, the mother may reject it.